Yesterday I bought some batteries and I got that slight excitement you get when you bring a new toy home. These batteries are the normal button type and not the rechargeable NiMh batteries. I got the rechargeable already. It funny how cheap batteries can give you that feeling.
May be it is caused by the small confusion of actually finding the shop. The shop was bare, no sign what’s so ever. Just a name sign near the elevator lobby but at first we dismiss the shop as a storeroom.
I peer into the slightly opened door but can’t identify for sure what they were selling. I opened the door and there were some people inside discussing about batteries. The place looks like they just moved in with goods still in boxes. The sell all kind of batteries for almost all application.
I changed the battery of my digital clock. The display now is super black previously it was grey and fading. That got me thinking. I should travel to places I haven’t travel before. Find my way back home with images and sounds. To get that buzz. To recharge my batteries.
posted by Maran @ 3:29 PM